Bairnsdale Baptist Church
Bairnsdale VIC, Australia
We seek a person who will: maintain a consistent life of prayer and bible reading, seeking the Lord in His word; display a commitment to provide godly leadership and love in family life; show a commitment to grow in Christian maturity, character and leadership; and have a heart for and a rapport with all generations and a desire to see them grow in Christ......
Bairnsdale Baptist Church, situated on the beautiful Gippsland Lakes of Victoria, is seeking an enthusiastic Associate Pastor to work alongside our Senior Pastor, serving in various ministry areas within the church.
We seek to be a church that, with God’s strength and wisdom, holds to the following mission:
“Love Jesus and show His love to others.”
In line with this mission, we have identified five key values for our Church as we move forward under God’s direction.
Christ - Centred
A church worshipping Christ, our source of life, truth and hope.