Wollondilly Anglican College
Tahmoor NSW, Australia
The College Headmaster is inviting applications from exceptional Mathematics and Food Technology/Textiles Teachers who are active Christians for the positions of Mathematics Teacher 7-12 and Food Technology/Textiles (TAS) Teacher 7-12. The roles are suitable for both experienced and graduating teachers. The roles will commence in term 1 2025.....
The successful applicants will be registered with the New South Wales Educational Standards (NESA) and be accredited as Conditional, Provisional, Proficient or an Experienced Teacher. The teachers will be responsible to the Coordinator of their faculty and work alongside highly competent, experienced and enthusiastic staff. They will be expected to have a knowledge and understanding of the NESA 7-12 Curriculum in their faculty. An ability and willingness to use a variety of teaching and learning techniques and to extend and provide for students according to their individual gifts and ambitions are essential.
Wollondilly is a...