
interim Church/ Ministers/ Pastors

Job Description

We are seeking a part-time Interim Pastor, with/without a view to ongoing long term tenure. This position has arisen as our much-loved Pastor of 12-plus years will be following a new calling.......

Our vision: ‘To see Healesville, the Yarra Valley - and beyond - transformed by the love of Jesus Christ.’

Our mission: ‘Loving God. Loving Others.’

As the Interim Pastor, you will be joining a small Christian faith community where ‘everyone belongs’. You will become part of a community that considers that ‘worship is life’ and lives by the value that ‘people matter’. Our faith community loves the Word, seeks to be empowered by the Spirit, and encourages members to grow in using their God-given gifts.

Your primary task will be the equipping of God’s people for ministry (Ephesians 4:11-13), and the nurture and discipling of a godly community of empowered believers.

We are looking for an interim leader who is confident in their identity in Christ, who has experience in church leadership, and who is ready to use their God-given gifts to help our faith community move into an exciting new season of opportunity and growth.

This part-time position will be three or four days per week for approximately 12 months with/without a view to ongoing long term tenure.

This position is only open to citizens and permanent residents of Australia.

To apply, please follow the Apply to this Job Tab below.

Applications should be addressed to the Elders. Include in your application a letter expressing why you are interested in the position, your CV, and a one-page reflection on Liberty Family Church’s values:

  • Everyone belongs

We are all a part of God’s big family. We were made by God to enjoy him forever in community with others. We share life’s journey as together we worship Jesus.

  • Worship is life

Forever changed by God’s extravagant love, with grateful hearts we give our whole lives to purposeful, passionate worship.

  • People matter

True and lasting joy, peace and freedom are found as we enjoy God. This is good news for people everywhere and we share it with boldness and joy

For further information see or call Peter Rogers on 0431235886 between 7-9pm.