Oversee a local church, Gilgandra New Life Centre and provide high-level direction and oversight to the Leadership, pastoral and organisational leaders within the church in the effective growth, strategic direction and stewardship of both church initiatives and resources......
The Senior Pastor must be faithful in the exposition of Scripture, so that the congregation may grow in their understanding and application of the Word of God. Their ministry will help protect the flock from false teaching and unite the leadership team in the shepherding of the flock (ref: Ephesians 4:11–14, Acts 20:28)
Key Qualifying Traits
➔ Passionate heart for the Local Church ➔ Organisational and administrative skills
➔ Works well alongside Leadership & volunteers ➔ Servant heart
➔ Great communication skills ➔ Ethical, integrous and reliable
A Pastor Must Have:
● Demonstrated, effective and high-level skills in both leadership and the ministry of the word in a multi-disciplined church community.
● Proven and recognised effective interpretation and communication of scriptural truths
through preaching and personal discipling, together with the ability to evangelise and counsel people of all ages, diverse backgrounds and varying levels of Biblical literacy.
● Proven capacity to work as an effective leader in the development and implementation of vision and strategies (organisational goals) of the church, together with leadership of a pastoral and administrative team to achieve organisational goals.
● Good written and verbal skills and the ability to articulate and represent the church internally and externally.
● Demonstrated skills in dispute resolution and the ability to positively influence outcomes in a dynamic church environment.
Additional Requirements
● Be in agreement with the articles of faith documented in Article 4 of the Australian Christian Churches Constitution.
● Commitment to mutual personal accountability with the Leadership Team, demonstrated historical pattern of maintaining such relationships.
● Commitment to maintaining regularly scheduled and protected family time (including annual leave) and should recognise the need for regular personal free time.
To apply for this position please forward a current CV including details of three references via the 'Apply to this Job' button below.
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