Youth Ministry Leader

Part time Church/ Ministers/ Pastors

Job Description

Seeking a Youth Ministry Leader to equip and disciple the youth of PIBC and the community in their faith. We are looking for someone who has a demonstrated passion for our youth to know and develop in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.......

About Phillip Island Baptist Church

Key Attributes of Candidate

  • Demonstrated passion for youth to know a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
  • Spiritual gifting of leadership, discipleship and exhortation are desirable.
  • Demonstrated attitude of hospitality and willingness to serve, and to offer a welcome and safe place for young people to explore faith and life.
  • Willingness to be visible, relational and accessible to youth and families within the PIBC church community and fellowship.
  • Ability to connect with people of all ages.
  • Be teachable and willing to learn and receive feedback.
  • Self motivating and self regulating in terms of work requirements, deadlines, and outcomes.

Position Details

  • Paid one day per week equivalent, must include Friday nights.
  • Reports to PIBC Families Pastor
  • Initial contract will be for 12 months, with 6 month probation period.

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